The Talent War: A New Era Beyond the Game of Musical Chairs

Even if the martial term "War of Talent" may put you off, it describes quite precisely the nature of the challenges that companies have to overcome in the job market today. In our new blog, we give you concrete tips on how to survive in the "War of Talents". But one thing is clear in advance: it won't work without a consistent rethink.

Optimal staffing – Mr. and Mrs. Almost Perfect often do it too

During the pandemic, you have acquired management skills that can now help you fill your vacancies. You have proven yourself to be a capable change manager. Have the courage to build new structures in your company that allow you to recruit talent that is not a 100 percent perfect fit. It will be worth it! In our new blog, you will find some suggestions on how you can successfully assert yourself in the dry labor market.

Remote work… what’s the final word?

Home office yes? Home office no? Hardly a day goes by without supposedly new findings about this form of work making the rounds in the media. However, it is often forgotten that the current context of the shortage of skilled workers gives the discussion a whole new dimension and creates new facts, especially for employers.

Employer branding – a valuable tool for startups too

Employer branding: What sounds like big corporations and paper tigers is in practice a valuable instrument for attracting and retaining employees - even for startups. Anyone who conveys a clear image of themselves and their values to the outside world and takes care of a professional recruiting strategy early on increases their chances of success in the market. Because the right team is central to the success of the company, especially for young companies.

Employees over 50 – a rethink is required

Older employees are inflexible, slow and expensive: a cliché that is far from reality. Experienced workers are a valuable resource for a company – both professionally and personally. Nonetheless; Anyone who is over 50 years old and is looking for a new challenge can have a difficult time today. Companies need to rethink their approach.

Growth and change in startups

Startups often start small and then grow – sometimes faster, sometimes a little slower. In any case, at the beginning there is a visionary and a small team, often consisting of friends and acquaintances. Some startups advance their idea so successfully that the founding entrepreneurs quickly become CEOs and suddenly become managers in a rapidly growing company. What does this mean for the management of the young company and how can startups deal with this growth?

No more night shifts

in Startups, in the beginning, it's all about driving forward this one innovative idea. Studying sections of the labor law is probably the last thing that young entrepreneurs want to deal with when they are initially on a high. In the heat of the moment, laws and regulations such as health protection, working and rest times, protection of minors and regulations on night work are forgotten. This can end badly, because if it is ignored, employees will not only be dissatisfied and overworked, but they will also face sanctions.